How Can I Increase My Psychic Abilities?

Feb 23, 2013

Here’s an exercise you can do to prove to yourself that you are already a wonderful receiver of information from the universe. We are given 5+ senses that we, as humans, tend to think are limited. My father always told me that we can see farther than we think we can, hear more than we realize, and feel life far beyond the surface of our skin. To prove it, you need a friend to help. (This is a little exercise I learned from my mentor Thomas Jacobson–read To Dance With Angels by Don & Linda Pendleton to learn more about this wonderful man and for some fabulous channeled material from Dr. Peebles.) Ask a friend to write down a question on ANY topic. It can be health, or “what color should I paint my house?,” or about universal truths. It doesn’t matter. There are no mundane questions. Have them write it on plain white paper, then fold the paper in thirds and put it in a plain white envelope. Seal the envelope tight. (If you can get a group of friends together to do this, it’s really fun!

Once the envelopes are sealed, put them on the floor and mix them up…then have everyone pick an envelope from the pile.) Now, get a pen, take the envelope and hold it between your palms. Close your eyes and open yourself up…ALL OF YOUR SENSES…to receiving the ANSWER to the question inside of the envelope. Write down EVERYTHING that you feel, hear, touch, taste, smell, see and think. For example, you might hear a dog bark, feel your toe suddenly burning, taste something yucky, and see (in your imagination) blue sky coming through the clouds. You might hear the words to a song “It’s gettin’ better all the time…” running through your head.

Write EVERYTHING down. Don’t try to make sense of any of it. The connections will come later. Once you are complete with the process (you will feel that the information will not be as strong) hand the envelope to your friend and let them open it and read the question to you. Together you will make the connections. For instance, the question might be, “Why did my dog bite me so hard on the toe yesterday?” And then you’ll leap with joy! “I heard a dog bark! My toe was burning! But what about this bad taste in my mouth?” And your friend might say, “Well, I was complaining about a relationship that had left a bad taste in my mouth…and suddenly my dog bit my toe.” Then you can go wild from here, since there must be blue skies on the horizon for your friend, with life gettin’ better all the time. See how it works? You’ll have lots of fun with this, and the more you do it, the better you’ll get at it.